what to expect...

AE Recruitment believes in being as transparent as possible about the job search process so that you are prepared for the road ahead and are aware of your options, so you can adjust accordingly. So you are well informed of the recruitment process we’ve put together a road map of what to expect from us, so you can assess how you are progressing through your job search journey.

Once you have applied for a job(s) on our website our recruitment consultants will update you at every stage of the process, so watch out for our email or SMS notifications. Please view our road map of what to expect from AE Recruitment so you can gauge how you are progressing. 

Stage 1


The AE Recruitment will endeavour to keep you informed of new positions that are suitable for you both now and in the future. Regularly check in to our online portal to stay up to date with how your applications are progressing, what stage the jobs have reached and search for new positions that have come in too. 

Stage 2


Our team will review your application(s) and will come back to you with feedback via email about what to do next. Job seekers often get stuck at stages 1 and 2 so AE Recruitment will offer guidance on how to make it to stage 3. We’ll give you a lot of options here so please keep an eye on your email of how to improve your chances of being selected. 

AE Recruitment job search process - Respond

Stage 3


AE Recruitment job search process - submit

As soon as you have received a notification of a suitable match we’ll notify you straight away to let you know that one of our team members will be calling you to discuss the next steps. This is where we will ask questions in relation to the vacancy, gain further insights into your background and request your permission to submit your profile to the hiring manager.
NOTE: we will never send your profile without prior consent directly from you.

Stage 4


This is the exciting part, the interview! You’ve caught the eye of our team as well as the hiring manager and now it’s time to prove your knowledge. One of the team will call you to brief you on who the company and interviewer are. They will give you valuable insights into what caught the hiring manager’s eye and advise you of useful interview techniques so you are prepared for success!

Stage 5


After your interview we will be in touch to find out your first impressions and see if the company is the right fit for you! If the interview went well AE Recruitment works as the middle man to make sure the hiring manager meets your expectations. We’ll also manage the whole negotiation stage for you so you don’t have to!

Stage 6


Once all the reference checks are complete, you have accepted and signed the offer letter/employment contract AE Recruitment will support you in the onboarding process. Meet your new work colleagues and get to know your team so you feel part of the company before your 1st day.

AE Recruitment Job Application Process - Hire

Stage 7


AE Recruitment Job Application Process - Aftercare

Finding you a job isn’t our only goal, we want to make sure we have found you the environment that makes you happy! During your probation, we will check in to make sure we’ve met your expectations and ensure 

Where to next?

Due to technological advancements and the competitive corporate landscape businesses have dramatically changed what they look for in new hires in the past decade. Gone are the days of sending a boring black and white CV! Hiring managers want to be able to make a snap decision within 12 seconds of opening your document. This means it’s crucial for job seekers to articulate their added value way before being considered for an interview. They are also required to demonstrate their personal brand throughout the process, effectively operating as their own “business of one”, as we like to call it at AE Recruitment. 

To help you along your journey we have carefully crafted free and paid options so that you can learn how to circumnavigate your job search and career, turning you into a major asset to any business!!!